Girl boss quotes
Girl boss,  Quotes & Inspiration

35 Powerful Girl Boss Quotes For Motivation & Growth

An entrepreneur who runs and owns a business is known as a girl boss because she is a young woman doing business for herself. As a rule, female bosses are typically ambitious, confident, and driven individuals who aren’t afraid to take chances and aspire to achieve their goals.

Female entrepreneurs are redefining what it means to be a woman in business. With the help of female entrepreneurs, women are proving that they can be just as successful as men in business.

Girl Boss Quotes

Girl bosses face many challenges in the workplace, no doubt. Although it is highly challenging, it can also be gratifying. Owning your own company means taking charge and making things happen precisely how you want. You can feel highly motivated and empowered when you experience this feeling.

Motivational Girl Boss Quotes When you feel like giving up

There will be times when you feel like giving up, of course. That’s normal. But it’s important to remember why you started your business in the first place. What was it that made you want to be your boss? Was it the flexibility to make your schedule? The chance to be creative and innovative? The opportunity to build something from the ground up?

Powerful Girl Boss Quotes

Don’t give up on your dreams, stay motivated. You can accomplish anything you want with a little hard work and determination.

#1 “Act like a lady think like a boss”


Girl Boss quotes
Girl boss quote

#2 “I was raised to hustle like a man because I was told never to depend on one.”

Girl boss quotes
Power girl boss quote

#3 ” Money only impresses lazy girls. When a woman works hard. A man with a money is only a bonus “

Powerful girl boss quotes
Powerful girl boss

#4 ” Toss your hair in a bun, Drink some coffee, Put on some gangsta rap and handle it “

girl boss
Powerful girl boss quotes

#5 “Once upon a time you were a little girl with big dreams that you promise you’ d make real one day. Dont dissapoint yourself.”

Powerful girl boss quotes
Girl boss quotes

#6 ” Be a woman who deals with business not with drama “

#7 ” A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink “

Cina Carey


#8 ” When you put faith in yourself and it pays off, You get evidence that you can trust yourself. ”

#9 ” If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one. “

Dolly Parton

Girl boss quote
girl boss quotes

#10 ” Success does not come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.”

Marie Forleo

Girl boss sayings

#11 “I stopped waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. I lit that bitch up myself “


Girl boss sayings
Girl boss quotes

#12Be The Ceo your parents always wanted you to marry “

How to be a girl boss

#13 ” A Queen does not hope or wish she decides.”


girl boss

#14 ” I am too creative for nine to five.”

Motivational quotes for women

#15 ” Don’t give up don’t take anything personally, and dont take no for an answer.”

Sophia Amoruso

How to be girl boss
Girl boss saying

#16 ” She gets what she wants because she works for it.”

#17 “Never underestimate the power of your mindset”

#18 ” We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.”

Max Depree

Girl boss quotes

#19 ” Everyone shines given the right lighting.”

Susan cain

#20 ” I know for sure that what we dwell on is what we become.”


#21 ” Take your dreams seriously “

#22 ” Her attitude kind a savage but her heart is solid gold “

#23 ” When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath then you will be successful “

#24 ” Never start a business just to make money. Start a business to make a difference. “

Elizabeth Gilbert

#25 ” We learn the way on the way.”

Shannon Kaiser

#26 ” Don’t settle for less just because its available “

Short girl boss quotes
Short Girl Boss Quotes

#27 ” Risking is better than regretting “

Girl boss quotes
Girl Boss quotes

#28 ” I am the creator of my own happy life “

Motivational girl boss quotes

#29 ” Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will “

Suzy Kassem
motivational girl boss quotes

#30 ” Imagine starting a business and it’s going pretty slow then BOOM, it turns into a company multi- million dollar company “

girl boss

#31 ” Queens will always turn pain into power ”

#32 ” Drink water, moisturize your skin, eat fruits, mind your own business, and focus on your goals “


#33 “A Woman who makes her own money will always win.”


Motivational girl boss quotes
Motivational girl boss quotes

#34 ” A girl who is going to do big things cannot let small things get to her “

#35 ” Show up as the woman you need to become to reach your goals ”

Girl Boss Short quotes

We Know

Being a girl boss isn’t easy, but with motivation and hard work, you can achieve anything in your life. We think girl bosses are incredible, and these 35 powerful quotes are just a few reasons that help you to stay motivated!

Make these quotes your desktop background or phone wallpaper if you need more motivation or self-confidence. It will give you the boost you need to get through your day!

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